April 2022 Financial Update:

April was an insanely busy month, so much happened and we had so many events. Finally, after over 6 months of consideration, and analyzing my infinite options for how I want to move forward, after losing my job in October 2021, I’ve figured out my plan for this next year. I of course want toContinue reading “April 2022 Financial Update:”

9 Reasons Why You Should Quit Social Media:

In 2020, I took 2 separate month long breaks from social media, once in January & once in June, I ended up never going back to any socials except Instagram, Pinterest, & YouTube (& a touch of TikTok to post financial education videos). Now on May 20th, 2021 I started another indefinite break from socials.Continue reading “9 Reasons Why You Should Quit Social Media:”

Consumerism Is Ruining Your Life:

Welcome back to Ease Your Financial Payne! 🙂 My husband and I have been going through some major mindset changes about how we view life, and one of the biggest is how we view having stuff, and how much “stuff” we purchase or, consume. This shift in values has been growing in our subconscious forContinue reading “Consumerism Is Ruining Your Life:”