How to Declutter SUSTAINABLY:

I follow many people (on social media & YouTube, not real life, that would be creepy.) who create Minimalism content, which I love. There is one problem though that sticks out to me and is never fully addressed: What they do with the stuff they declutter. Most of them say they donate it, but isContinue reading “How to Declutter SUSTAINABLY:”

Books That Will Change Your Life!!!

Hello and welcome to a post I am very excited for! All of the books that have changed my life & may change yours too! These books majorly influenced my mind and outlook on life. *Links are affiliate! Which is awesome because now I can make a bit of money by promoting a company IContinue reading “Books That Will Change Your Life!!!”

How Living Sustainably Saves You Money:

There is a misconception that living a more sustainable lifestyle automatically means it’s more expensive. In many ways, it’s actually cheaper than living an unsustainable lifestyle. I’m going to provide different examples of how living sustainably will save you money, most of these are self-explanatory. You can have a smaller trash can, which minimizes yourContinue reading “How Living Sustainably Saves You Money:”

How to Find Your Life’s Purpose:

Finding your reason for being here on Earth is not a simple task, well, for some it is. Some people don’t even care to think about why they’re here and what for. This blog post is for the people who do care and want to figure out why. Why you’re here, is mostly up toContinue reading “How to Find Your Life’s Purpose:”

Sustainable Holiday & Gift Guide:

Hello, this year I wanted to do something fun & helpful, by creating a sustainable gift guide! I’m really excited for this post & looking forward to what I come up with. If you have anything to add, please feel free to comment down below! 🙂 In addition to gifts, I will also be addingContinue reading “Sustainable Holiday & Gift Guide:”

October 2021 Financial Update:

October 1st feels like it was three months ago, not one month. The beginning of October, for lack of a better phrase, was a cluster f**k. After freaking out a bit & doing some research, I calmed down again. Since losing my job, I have been working on the easeyourfinancialpayne Instagram usually daily, as wellContinue reading “October 2021 Financial Update:”

Your Productivity ≠ Your Worth:

I had a conversation the other day that led to some very interesting realizations: I equate my value as a person to how much I accomplish in a day. I also only consider days a “good day” when I get a lot completed. When I don’t get a lot done, I feel guilty and shameful.Continue reading “Your Productivity ≠ Your Worth:”

The Dumbest Purchases We Have Made:

I always preach that to achieve FIRE you need to stop all unnecessary spending, but to be honest, over the years, we’ve (particularly me) been terrible with this.. I would say only in the last two years, we’ve greatly improved. So if we can be on track for FIRE after making all of these dumbContinue reading “The Dumbest Purchases We Have Made:”

The 4 Principles I Base All of My Life Choices On:

I read the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People a while back and have since focused even harder to center my life around a few core principles, rather than things like: what would benefit me the most, what would make my spouse happy, what would make us the most money, etc. The book explainsContinue reading “The 4 Principles I Base All of My Life Choices On:”

What to Do if You Lose Your Job:

So… You’ve lost your job.. now what? I suggest saving this post as a guide, just incase. First of all, try not to panic. You will survive and everything happens for a reason. This doesn’t make it any less sucky, but recognize that panicking & fighting against what is done will not help the situation.Continue reading “What to Do if You Lose Your Job:”