January 2024 Financial Update:

Hello! January was survival mode, I’m working more hours, we temporarily didn’t have childcare, and Brandon shifted to being a full time stay at home dad who works evenings and weekends. We became very burnt out. I am hopeful that by the end of February we will find some balance again in our lives. OurContinue reading “January 2024 Financial Update:”

2023 Year End Financial Update & 2024 Goals!

I want to start writing on here more consistently again! So here is the beginning of that. It has been challenging to do many things other than work and survive with an infant, but I’ll give it a shot. Also, I have a new job at a CPA firm! (Been there for almost year now.)Continue reading “2023 Year End Financial Update & 2024 Goals!”

I’m Pregnant!!! Oct. & Nov. F.I.R.E. Update:

I’m Pregnant! I haven’t posted in awhile because life has been very busy with the holidays, baby prep, appointments, work, etc. The baby is due April 23rd, 2023, and we think that is the perfect time for us to have a baby. We will have the Spring, Summer, & Fall to adjust to parenthood. TheseContinue reading “I’m Pregnant!!! Oct. & Nov. F.I.R.E. Update:”

September 2022 Financial Update:

September was uneventful really. We just worked and spent time with friends, that’s about it. We also started some of our annual fall traditions such as going to the pumpkin patch, baking cookies, watching Harry Potter, etc. As for our finances, our investments went down some more, our savings account went up by $1,000, andContinue reading “September 2022 Financial Update:”

July 2022 Financial Update:

In July, we mostly had tons of different appointments, particularly for Brandon’s back, he has a tear. Leo had a teeth cleaning he needed to be put under for, and Brandon had to get multiple fillings. Other than that I have been working part time, doing house projects, and like always, constantly evaluating myself &Continue reading “July 2022 Financial Update:”

How to Reach Your Financial Goals Faster:

At the end of this post, I list out all of the ways how we were able to accomplish these financial goals with such low incomes, in such a short amount of time. I suggest reading that list for ideas that you may be able to apply to your finances. Now that we are halfContinue reading “How to Reach Your Financial Goals Faster:”

June 2022 Financial Update:

For the United States, June was a wild month politically, about many varying topics. I won’t get into it, but as a young woman who cares about sustainability & freedom, I bet you can guess some of my thoughts. Some choices were a step in the right direction, some majorly stepping backwards. Personally though, JuneContinue reading “June 2022 Financial Update:”

May 2022 Financial Update:

Welcome back to Ease Your Financial Payne! This month we mainly went to garage sales, gardened/did yardwork, and I started part time work again. Overall, it was a peaceful, chill month. On to our personal finances for May: Our savings account did go down because we paid off my medical bill and took some moneyContinue reading “May 2022 Financial Update:”

April 2022 Financial Update:

April was an insanely busy month, so much happened and we had so many events. Finally, after over 6 months of consideration, and analyzing my infinite options for how I want to move forward, after losing my job in October 2021, I’ve figured out my plan for this next year. I of course want toContinue reading “April 2022 Financial Update:”

February 2022 Financial Update:

February was a wild month, with lots of unexpected twists and turns, especially on the global level. This is a finance blog, so I usually don’t get political on here, but I obviously can’t ignore Russia invading Ukraine. I know this is the work of Putin and a few higher up Russian government officials. IContinue reading “February 2022 Financial Update:”